Tackling the chronic shortage of homes across our seven-state service area.


Hardworking families, small business owners, and family farmers are the backbone of our rural communities.

They deserve the opportunity and tools to build a good life.

Rural residents are being held back by a shortage of decent, affordable homes near their work and schools like their urban counterparts. Many are forced to spend more than half their income on housing, leaving less for essentials like food, childcare, and transportation.

In the places we serve, over 20% of residents have been living in poverty for more than 30 years. Aging infrastructure and decades of disinvestment make attracting homebuilders to repair and build quality homes even harder. Removing these barriers is crucial to providing long-term pathways to opportunity and mobility.

Have Questions?

Let's talk housing

Volumetric modular homes are one of many innovative solutions that can be adopted at the state level for widespread, positive impact. These off-site constructed homes, assembled on-site, ease the burdens on local municipalities and inspection agencies, especially in rural communities.

Why volumetric modular housing?

  • Cut construction time by 50%, costs by 20% and ease the burdens on local municipalities
  • Classify as real property, qualify for traditional mortgages, appreciate over time
  • Contribute to individual and community wealth-building
  • Increased production and cost-saving efficiencies
  • Innovative solution that is suited for both rural and urban environments

 Our Solution:More Homes in Every Community.

Would you like to own your own home, but not sure where to start? Use the form to speak to our housing counselor and begin your journey to home ownership.

What is COME HOME?

COME HOME is our holistic, community-centered housing approach to help rural communities identify  and address their unique housing needs.

COME HOME has five key components:

Assessment & Planning

Resource Development


Housing Preservation

Modular Housing Development

Home Improvement Loans

Do you live in Starr, Hidalgo or Cameron Counties in Texas? Desha or Jefferson Counties in Arkansas?  The OUR DELTA Loan Program is available for your home repair projects.  This program fills the lending gap for residents to access funding for home repairs like fixing a leaking roof, repairing flooring and replacement or repair of HVAC systems.

Meet The Team



US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Fannie Mae

*Communities Unlimited, Inc. is not affiliated with Fannie Mae
